The University of Dallas (UD) is a Catholic liberal arts university in Irving, Texas.
University of Dallas Campus Recruiting
The University of Dallas Office of Personal Career Development is happy to is pleased to customize our recruitment program to meet your organization's specific needs. Our students and graduates are among the most qualified in the region, and we are committed to working diligently to help you share your opportunities with them.
If you have any questions regarding any of the recruiting options below, please contact our office at

Post jobs on Handshake
If you already have an account on Handshake, please connect with the University of Dallas. If you don't have an account, please create one, then connect with UD. Once you are approved, you'll be able to post jobs that will be visible to our students.
Get started here.

Recruiting Table
This option is available during the fall and spring semesters on Wednesdays, 11:00am-2:00pm in the student center. Please provide us with 3 dates that would work for you and we’ll let you know which one is best. Our office will respond within 3-5 business days after you have requested a table.
Request to reserve a table

Coffee Chats
A great way to increase student engagement among our students with your organization is by hosting coffee chats in our beloved Capp Bar. Coffee chats are short 1:1 meetings, usually for 10-15 minutes. Your organization is responsible for the sign-up process (we recommend Calendly, SignUpGenius, etc.). Our office will respond within 3-5 business days after you have requested coffee chats.
Request to host coffee chats
Career Fairs
The University of Dallas holds several career fairs annually, all of which are exclusive events requiring invitations for partcipation. *Please note: invitations to career fairs are not guaranteed due to space constraints limiting the number of employers we can accomodate.*
Fill out the form hereRecruiting Policies
If a scheduled organization fails to attend their on-campus recruiting event, OPCD will restrict their ability to request additional sessions the following semester. Repeated offenses will lead to a ban from on-campus recruiting at UD. Please inform OPCD at of any anticipated absence at least 12 hours before your scheduled event.
Thank you again for your interest in UD students, and we’re looking forward to partnering with you.